Moto X Hill Climb Game Code

Moto X Hill Climb Game Code

Cocos2dx 3.2v game.(iPhone, iPad, Mac Ready Code, Android Compatible.)
This is an awesome 4.0+ star rating game on Android.
And more than 10,000 downloads on iOS.

Game Play Video
Check the Demo Video Before Buying

Cocos2dX Physics on Bike and world. Very Easy to understand the code and easily changeable resources. No Spritesheets used.
Hill Climb style game.
6 Bikes of different types! All with different Physics! Bikes can be tuned!
5 Stages already involved(Unlockable via coin feature).
Includes a special Halloween Stage.
Breakable Sign Boards!!
Counting of Score by flips and multiplier of flips and inAir Bonus!!
Real Bike Engine sound.
Very easy to update bikes, just replace the images with new one!!
Sqlite3 used for database. (Pretty Easy to understand. If you need help we can assist you)
Lots more features you will be amazed to see. contains HillClimbBike folder which is a cocos2dx project for IOS.
iOS Game,Compatible with Android(Please contact us for this) as well.
Every Resource in this game Excluding the Logos are fully usable by the buyer. Logos are only given for buyer to understand what goes were.
Mac/Windows OS
Cocos2dx 3.2+
Cocos2dx is a complete Open Source Game Engine! Any one could just jump in and make a game just like this!
Android Game Link
IOS Game Link


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