Why sprite sheet ?
Why sprite sheet ? Many people will face a question that what is sprite sheet? Sprite sheet is nothing but a collection of small images combined together into one big large size image. These small images can also be called as sprites, hence its called sprite sheet. Why to use sprite sheet ? Sprite sheet helps you up with optimization. Which is a very common problem faced by many websites now a days. So it helps you with loading the site quicker. Consider below example: If your website contains 40 images, now to call all those images now to fetch those images 40 times the request will get sent from client to server, therefore processing time increases. But if I load all those 40 images in one sheet and arrange them in a sequence as i wish them to appear on my website pages. In this case what is going to happen client is going to request server for all 40 images one time, and as needed they can be displayed on the website. Ultimately my processing time got...